Discflow® Profiles

An overview of the DISC model and our suite of Discflow® Profiles

What is the Discflow model?

DISC is an acronym for the four core styles that make up the DISC model of behaviour as we know it today: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance (C). DISC is a well-established model that measures human behaviour and helps people better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to improve communication, reduce conflict and enhance working relationships.

DISC profiling is the term used to describe the process by which the results of a DISC assessment (sometimes referred to as a test) are presented and expanded upon in a detailed and targeted report.

Discflow profiles are genuinely unique and go beyond where the traditional DISC model ends. Discflow profiles are the result of an assessment that measures a person’s behavioural priorities and aspects of their emotional intelligence. Discflow profiles provide a comprehensive and accurate report on an individual’s personality – allowing them to harness this information and improve their working relationships.

Discflow profiles provide a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with— helping people tap into their strengths and build better, stronger, and more productive relationships.

Discflow® CORE

This profile provides insight into an individual’s DISC style combined with their level of Emotional Intelligence to produce a unique and highly personalised report. The report includes commentary on a person’s general characteristics, strengths and limitations, motivators, and stressors, developmental tips and much more.

Discflow® PORTRAIT

This profile differs from CORE in that it describes the DISC only aspects of an individual’s personality. The report, which is highly personalised and comprehensive, includes commentary on a person’s general characteristics, communication style, value to the organisation, personal development tips and much more.

Discflow® LEADER

This profile takes an individual’s DISC style combined with their level of emotional intelligence to produce a highly personalised report that focuses on an individual’s approach to leadership. The report provides detailed commentary to make leaders more aware of their strong points and highlights behaviours that they may need to introduce or adapt to unlock the potential of their people.

Discflow® GROUP

This profile consolidates the DISC styles and Emotional Intelligence levels of a group or team of people. The report has been designed to facilitate discussion, identify areas for development, improve communication and lead to a more cohesive and balanced team

How Discflow Profiles can be used

DISC Profiles are used globally every year by millions of business professionals – at all levels across an organisation – to improve communication and teamwork, build stronger relationships and create more productive workplaces.


DISC Flow profiles are specifically designed to help organisations build effective teams by highlighting how individuals might work together more effectively. Our Group profile helps to identify opportunities for development and provides a common language to drive collaboration and collective results.


The DISC Flow model helps individuals become more self-aware and provides a common and memorable language that can be used across all levels of an organisation to improve the quality of communication and create a culture that everyone wants to buy into.


Tasks can be assigned based on an increased understanding of a person’s strengths and limitations. Conflicts can be brought to a resolution more easily and with smoother communication between co-workers, people become more engaged with their work.


Using the DISC model, managers and leaders at all levels gain valuable insights into their personal leadership style, becoming more aware of their strengths and uncovering behaviours that they may need to introduce or adapt to unlock the potential of their people.


Recruitment & Onboarding

DISC Flow profiles are often used as part of the recruitment and onboarding process, specifically to provide valuable insights about a candidate’s behavioural traits and interpersonal communication style.


Using the information from the DISC Flow profile, trainers can tailor their sessions to take into account individual needs. Training in the DISC model helps people to understand their colleagues better and work more efficiently.

We have a suite of application specific profiles for you to choose from

For the list of all products please visit our store


A group DISC profile is an invaluable way to unlock a team’s full potential for collaboration and communication. It’s no use having a team full of employees who only understand their piece of the puzzle; the group assessment is a great starting place for discussions about how a team can work more effectively together.

We recommend using the DISC Flow® GROUP Report to improve the team dynamics of both new and existing teams. Helping team members highlight strengths or potential areas of limitation, a team DISC profile is an ideal starting point for building a more effective team. 

We have three different types of DISC assessments aimed at individuals. 

The DISC Flow® CORE Report combines the tried and tested DISC model with the power of emotional intelligence for a profile that gives a comprehensive and detailed overview of the personality style. 

The DISC Flow® PORTRAIT Report offers a simpler more limited version of this offering which provides only the DISC profile results.  

Finally, the DISC Flow® LEADER Report specifically focuses on the potential strengths and challenges of different personality types in the context of leadership. 

The DISC Model of Behaviour was first proposed in 1928 by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist, in his book Emotions of Normal People.

The history of DISC measurement begins in the 1940s with industrial psychologist Walter V. Clarke. Clarke built a test for personnel selection called the Activity Vector Analysis. 

There is no single superior mix of personalities within a team. Instead of seeking to create the best possible combination of personalities, the DISC Flow® GROUP Report seeks to help your team find balance and learn to communicate and collaborate more effectively. 

No, there are no wrong answers in this personality assessment. The assessment is only designed to provide insight into your team’s behavioural styles and provide a useful profile detailing the findings.

The assessment does not take very long to complete — usually around 10-15 minutes for each individual.

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