FlowHub Platform

Our customisable online platform for Discflow profile management

What is FlowHub?

FlowHub is an easy-to-use online platform that provides a convenient way to administer and manage profiles directly from you (the Administrator) to your colleagues or customers via the web. The FlowHub platform has been designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

A FlowHub account is recommended for any organisation that has an ongoing need to generate profiles in their workplace or for Coaches, Consultants & Trainers to use with their clients.

Via the FlowHub Platform, employees and job applicants are provided with access to complete a Discflow assessment. Once the respondent finishes answering the questions, the resulting report is generated and sent to the respondent, administrator, or whoever is designated – you decide!

Profiles available on the FlowHub Platform

All Discflow® profiles are administered and managed on the FlowHub platform.

Discflow® CORE

Combines DISC and Emotional Intelligence questions to assess an individual’s personality style and reports on their prominent behaviours, strengths and limitations, awareness of self and others, etc.

Discflow® PORTRAIT

This personalised report identifies and describes the DISC only aspects of an individual’s assessment results and reports on their prominent behaviours, strengths and limitations, motivators and stressors, etc.

Discflow® LEADER

This profile provides an in-depth report on how a person’s DISC assessment results relate to their leadership style. The report provides commentary on their communication style, areas for development, value to the organisation, etc

Discflow® GROUP

By assessing the DISC styles and levels of Emotional Intelligence of team members, a GROUP profile helps people work together more effectively and provides managers with insight into how to balance personalities and achieve a more engaged and cohesive team

Benefits of the FlowHub Platform

The FlowHub platform has been designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

Customise your site and brand your profiles with your company logo and contact information.

You decide who can view reports and when.

Automate all DISC-related

Monitor respondents’ report

View, print and email completed reports.

Organise reports in folders; identified by project, date, department, etc.

After participants have completed their assessment, you can print Group and Comparison reports.

No annual fees, renewals or minimum quantity orders.


DISC stands for Dominance, Steadiness, Influence and Compliance. These are the four behavioural styles identified by psychologists which characterise the way in which individuals interact with others and their environment. This modern DISC model is based on William Moulton Marston’s DISC theory of personality.

The DISC assessment is a bias-free test used to evaluate an individual’s personality traits, mainly within the context of their working relationships. These can include communication styles, teamwork preferences, leadership skills and much more. It is not a skills assessment. The result of a DISC assessment is known as a DISC profile, as it profiles the person according to their characteristics. DISC profiling is most commonly used in the workplace, as it can help managers better understand their workforce and gain insights into how to maximise employee engagement.

A DISC assessment is an automated survey tool used to assess an employee’s style of behaviour.

Here at Flow Labs Consultancy, we use the results of that assessment to compile a comprehensive report on the individual’s behavioural style. This is done by combining DISC behavioural insights with aspects of Emotional Intelligence and is known as a Discflow Profile. There are several types of Discflow Profiles available.

The FlowHub platform is the software through which organisations can access both the DISC assessment itself and our Discflow Profiles. Employees can take the survey via the platform, and administrators can view and manage the profiles all in one place online.

Anyone who has been provided with a suitable access code is able to complete an online assessment via the Flowhub platform.

Through FlowHub, organisations can use their training time more effectively by taking advantage of technology. Employees can complete their assessments before training sessions, ensuring that every minute of training time is used to its full advantage. Plus, the FlowHub platform takes care of scoring the profiles, saving time and increasing accuracy.

Through FlowHub, administrators can also view, print, or email completed reports, as the system maintains an archive of all completed profiles.

Flow Labs Consultancy FZCO (publishers of Discflow® assessments) are committed to maintaining the highest standards of instrument development and application through careful research and development processes. All Discflow® instruments offer valid and accurate feedback that you can be confident of using in any training, coaching or consulting situation.